Ayni kunlarda «Parrandasanoat» uyushmasi vakillari hamda Mikrokreditbank mas’ullaridan iborat delegatsiya Hindistonning Karnataka provinsiyasining Bangalor shahrida boʻlib turibdi.
Today, members of the delegation visited poultry farms in the Bangalore area operating under a cooperative system for poultry meat production. They studied the conditions for raising poultry and mechanisms for establishing such cooperative systems.
The delegation also explored the cooperative-based poultry meat production system established by Nanda Group, a major poultry company in India, in collaboration with household farms in Mulbagal village, Karnataka province.
It was reported that in Mulbagal village alone, Nanda Group operates 27 poultry meat production cooperatives, with 600 poultry farming units belonging to these cooperatives.