Provide the development of the poultry industry in uzbekistan china
The state committee of veterinary and livestock development today, “Parrandasanoat” association and
The state committee of veterinary and livestock development today, “Parrandasanoat” association and
"Parrandasanoat" he is the first deputy chairman of the association.By region navoi akhmedov
“Parrandasanoat” association and “open” by representatives of namangan region, uychi
ПАРРАНДАЛАРНИНГ НАФАС АъЗОЛАРИ КАСАЛЛИКЛАРИ: Синусит, ринит, пневмоаэротцистит Нафас тизимининг юқумсиз
Kundalik sharoitda tovuqlar tuxumi va go‘shti uchun boqiladi. Bunga ko‘ra
Parrandachilik nozik, shu bilan birga serdaromad soha hisoblanadi. Shaxsiy yordamchi,
Parrandachilik – chorvachilikning muhim tarmog‘i bo‘lib, aholiga qimmatli oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari
KANNIBALIZM (bir – birini cho‘kish) parrandalarning bir -birining terisini,
Issiq yoz oylarida broyler jo‘jalar saqlanadigan xonalarni haroratini nazorat qilish
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Veterinariya va chorvachilikni rivojlantirish qo‘mitasi raisi — veterinariya
➡️ Respublika hayvonlar kasalliklari tashxisi va oziq-ovqat xavfsizligi davlat
«Parrandasanoat» uyushmasi Kengashi Sizni uyushma a’zolarining navbatdagi umumiy yig‘ilishiga taklif
To protect the legitimate rights and interests of the members of the association;
Identify promising strategies for the sustainable development of the poultry sector of the country;
Methodical association of enterprises and organizations, organizational-technical and information services;
100 123,tashkent, Uchtepa area, a small ring road, 21-A
+998 (71) 271-64-26
+998 (71) 202-12-00 (401)